Safe Working Procedures

Times are tough right now. Just letting you know we are here for you. We are operating within our normal hours and days. One major change we’ve made is how we are handling everything day to day. First and foremost, we have adopted all the CDC guidelines within our daily operations. We are wearing gloves, which are changed out every job. We are using Clorox wipes to clean and disinfect anything we are working on before and after the job is completed. Also, one extra step, also wiping down all tools used on the job after every use, door handles, and basically anything touched just to make sure we’ve covered all the bases.

We also have a face mask that can be used. During the job, we are practicing any possible social distancing we can. One last thing is contact-less payments when we can as well. We are doing whatever we can to keep you safe and ensure we don’t take anything home with us. Don’t hesitate to call a contractor or locksmith in fear of getting sick. Believe me, we are just as worried and doing our best to stay healthy. We are offering some good pricing on our services too. Check us out. or give us a call/text at 602-339-7066. With all possible safe working procedures in mind, if you have a special request, do not hesitate to let us know. We prefer you feel safe and secure.

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