Locked Out: 7 Key Reasons to Call a Locksmith

locked out

There are an estimated 26,000 locksmiths in the United States. 

Almost every town in the United States has at least one locksmith. Larger cities have multitudes. 

While helping people who are locked out of their house is a part of what a locksmith does, there is a lot more to it than that. Locksmiths are active in both commercial and residential activities every day. Read on to learn the top reasons to call a locksmith.

1. Locking Your Keys in Your Car

Locksmiths are often called to help people who can’t get into their vehicle

In fact, in many areas, it is the most common thing a locksmith does. Thousands of people every day get stranded. For most of them, their only choice is to call a locksmith. 

Getting into a locked car without causing damage isn’t as easy as it used to be. 

Locksmiths are typically equipped with specific tools for this task. This can help them minimize the danger to the locksmith. It will also prevent you from having to damage your door in order to get in. 

2. Keys Can Get Broken in Your Lock

If you have to deal with an old lock, you know they can be quite difficult. 

Sometimes it requires a good amount of force to open them. Keys weaken with use. The metal gets bent and weaknesses can form along the length of the key.

You probably already know where this is going. When you apply enough pressure along the weakened areas of a key, it will break. 

This means that you can find yourself locked out because your key breaks inside the lock. If this happens a locksmith can help you. 

3. Replacing Locks

Locks don’t last forever even with proper maintenance. 

Locks that wear out must be replaced. Locksmiths are experienced and trained in how to replace locks. They can help get things working again.

Getting the job done right the first time saves time and money. Hiring a locksmith to replace your locks is usually quick and easy. 

In addition to changing the lock itself, they are able to help with re-keying locks and repairing those that don’t need to be replaced. 

4. Replacing Keys

Whether you have lost your car keys or gotten new locks, you’ll need new keys. 

Locksmiths are trained and equipped in making keys. If you want a key that works right, you are better off going to a locksmith. They can make sure the key functions smoothly every time. 

Getting your new keys isn’t just about getting into the vehicle. 

If your ignition key wears out, then a locksmith can help you there too. Make sure you ask the locksmith you call about this. Not all locksmiths have the same capability when it comes to replacing keys. 

5. Locked Out of Your Safe 

It is not only cars and doors that use locks. 

Most people don’t realize that locksmiths can do more than just letting you into your car or home. They can also help you get into your safe and retrieve your valuables. 

Locksmiths have been fixing safes for a very long time. Decades ago, people weren’t as concerned with locking their doors. Back then safes were even more common than they are now, and most homes had at least one. 

Being locked away from your valuables and important documents can be a real problem. Today locksmiths continue this tradition by being able to help you. They can get you back into your safe and help you carry on quickly and easily. 

6. Rekeying 

If you have just bought a house, you probably want to replace the locks. If you are a landlord, you may even want to do this after each old tenant has left. This will help ensure the safety and security of your home and tenants.  

Replacing every single door handle in your home or property would be expensive. Replacing door handles can also take quite some time. Instead of paying a handyman or contractor to do that, just call a locksmith. 

Locksmiths can rekey a lock without having to remove the door handle. This means you can get all new locks and keys to your house or property quickly. You won’t have to go through the hassle of replacing all your doors. 

7. Dealing with Antiques

Sometimes an old lock can’t be replaced, or maybe you don’t want to. If you have antique doors, boxes or chests, don’t try to get the old lock working yourself. Locksmiths take years perfecting their craft and if anyone can help you here, it’s a locksmith. 

Some old doors and structures have very ornate locks and handles. If you try to repair or alter them yourself, you can damage them. This will detract from the aesthetic and the value of your antique. 

Dealing with these types of issues can take specialized tools. 

A simple screwdriver may get the job done but it won’t be pretty. Your locksmith will be equipped to deal with most issues. If they don’t then most will know someone who might be able to help you. 

Locksmiths Aren’t Just for Getting Locked Out

It takes a lot of time and understanding to be a good locksmith. 

The first locksmiths came about over four thousand years ago. From the earliest time we have been creating locks, we have needed people to repair and replace them. While their job has changed a lot since then, locksmiths have had to adapt to technology and the changing times. 

Getting locked out is no fun, it can be a real hassle. If you are locked out, a locksmith is your best bet. 

If you need more specialized assistance with keys and locks, there is no one else to turn to. A lot of people can fix things that break in your house for you, but only one profession studies and understands locks. 

Many locksmiths cover a wide area. If you are in the Peoria or Phoenix area and need help, give us a call. Agent Lock and Key can help you. 

Don’t struggle with bad locks or incorrectly made keys. When a problem happens, it could even cost you your job. Don’t let that happen, call to get your problem taken care of fast and right!