5 Signs You Need Key Replacement

key replacement

How frustrating was it when you realized that your car key wasn’t working? It must have come as a surprise at first. Then you tried again and again, and just when you were about to give up, it worked. The problem with a car key malfunction is that you have no idea when it will stop working again which means it’s time to look into a key replacement.

There are many reasons why your car keys would fail, and while some may be obvious, others may not. To avoid all these complications, you need to be ready with an extra car key, and key replacement is your best bet. In this post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why you may need a car key replacement.

1. Damaged Key or Lock

One of the most significant reasons why your car key may fail is because it is damaged. The reasons why you may not know this is because a damaged car key doesn’t necessarily have to be distorted or broken into pieces. This is simply a misconception that most people don’t know. 

Your car key could be damaged without visual evidence because it only takes a slight change in the grooves of the key. These grooves must correspond with the internal mechanisms of your car lock for it to work. Car keys are components prone to wear and tear and constant use is bound to have some effect on them. 

These key grooves get altered over time, causing the key to fail. This is one of the reasons why you need a car key replacement. If not the car key, the lock may be damaged. If you own a modern car that operates using a keyless entry remote or key fob, you’re less likely to encounter a lock problem. 

However, if you own an older model that requires a key to operate, then a damaged lock is something you’re likely to encounter. It may be faulty, worn down, blocked by dirt, or caused by an external collision. In any case, once you realize it’s taking a while for the key to unlock the car, you need to have a locksmith check whether you need a lock or key replacement. 

2. Worn Out or Damaged Key Fob/Keyless Remote Batteries

Modern car owners may experience faulty key fobs simply because the batteries are worn out. This is a common issue because batteries are always expected to run out at some point. Once you notice that your car is not responding to the commands of your key fob, there is a high chance that the batteries are dead and need replacement.

Batteries, however, are not the only reason why your key fob may be malfunctioning. Key fobs and keyless remotes are different and may have unique traits and uses. This means they’ll also have unique problems.

For key fobs to work, they depend on the communication between transmitters and receivers. If one of these is damaged, then the key fob is likely to fail. You may not know this, but the elements of these systems may be damaged and manifest as frayed wires. 

The damage may also be a result of external damages to either the key fob or even the car. Regardless, it would help if you had the key checked by professional locksmith services as you may need a car key replacement.

3. Aftermarket or Copied Car Keys

If you got an aftermarket car key then forgot to reprogram it, you’re most likely to run into a problem. Aftermarket car keys tend to be a cheaper option compared to getting new keys from the dealer. 

However, these keys are risky as they may not be explicitly designed for your type of car. If you must get an aftermarket car key, you need to ensure that it’s programmed appropriately and paired to your vehicle. 

If you happen to use a car key copy, then you need to understand that each duplication reduces the integrity of the original car key. It gets worse with several duplications of the same key. For instance, when you duplicate a duplicated key, the third version you’ll get of the key will be different from the original one. 

This may not seem like such a big deal, but it undoubtedly impacts how the keys work and how often they malfunction. Obtaining a car key copy may be cheaper, but once you notice issues, it’s time to get a car key replacement.  

4. A Faulty Ignition Cylinder

Your car is associated with your external door locks and the ignition. If your key fails once you insert it into the ignition, the problem may not be the key. You may be facing a much bigger problem because cars are prone to problems as mechanical components wear and tear. 

Have your ignition cylinder checked to ensure it’s not damaged before having your car key replaced. 

5. Your Key May Not Be Programmed

Keys are programmed to their cars for added security, which is done through transmitters. This is not done with traditional cars, but modern cars that use key fobs and keyless remotes must be programmed to interact with the car. 

If you notice your key is not working, there is a chance it was not programmed. This usually becomes more of a problem with copied or aftermarket car keys and the most you can do with unprogrammed keys is open the car doors and the trunk. 

When to Get Car Key Replacement

Essentially, you should go for a car key replacement once you diagnose your problem. Maybe you have already realized what the issue is after going through this list. Regardless of the issue, have professional locksmith services check out your key for repairs or replacement. 

Car keys are an integral part of your daily routines, so this is a problem you can’t afford to overlook. Ensure that you have your key replaced before you run into a serious problem. 

For professional locksmith services, give us a call, and we’ll be sure to help you.