A locksmith who is trained and equipped to service all of today’s modern security systems must carry many thousands of dollars of tools, locks, and specialized equipment. around with them at all times in order to be prepared for any automotive, residential or commercial locksmith need. Clearly marked “locksmith” vehicles are easy, high-value targets for savvy thieves (similar to big packages left on doorsteps during the holidays). These individuals wait until the technician has gone into a customers home and prey on unattended service vehicles left in parking lots or driveways.
To minimize security liabilities.
The theft of a locksmith’s equipment from his or her vehicle doesn’t merely represent a huge financial loss to the company but also creates a tremendous security issue for you, your neighborhood, and others. That thief now has the ability to gain entry into almost anything with a lock on it and steal other possessions or sell the equipment to someone with even worse intentions.
To keep their prices down.
Vehicle wraps, custom paint jobs and even vinyl decals are expensive. That cost is multiplied where multiple technicians or fleet vehicles are involved. Every expense incurred is eventually passed along to customers. In addition to the reasons above (and possibly others), a locksmith may forego branding vehicles to offer better value to customers.
To keep the service as private as possible.
Some situations are best to perform the work without announcing to the neighbors or any passer by what is going on. All licensed, bonded, and insured technicians will always wear designated company shirts/hats and present a business card identifying themselves upon arrival and sometimes even check your ID in some cases.
Just a simple search like “locksmith” on the web will get you many results. Support your local small business. I’d recommend a good service like Agent Lock And Key if you’re in the Phoenix Metro Area. www.agentlockandkey.com